Mist Releases Asset Visibility Service Powered by Bluetooth Low Energy Technology – Cloud Computing Today


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Mist recently announced the release of its Asset Visibility Service, a platform that empowers organizations to track mobile devices by means of the Mist wireless platform. The Mist Asset Visibility Service enables companies in any vertical to identify the location of mobile devices for mobile device management, supply chain optimization, workforce management and inventory management use cases. By leveraging Mist’s revolutionary Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, companies can use Mist to track the location of strategic assets such as laptops, vehicles, machinery and associates. Mist’s Asset Visibility Service empowers companies to not only pinpoint the location of strategic assets of interest, but to also more effectively make operational decisions based on data about the location of the devices in question by means of analytics as shown below:

Mist Releases Asset Visibility Service Powered by Bluetooth Low Energy Technology – Cloud Computing Today

In the example above, companies can use the Mist Asset Visibility Service to locate employee badges as well as the location of hardware. Using the platform’s indoor location data, companies can optimize traffic-related workflows for machines and related assets in a warehouse or docking facility. Sudheer Matta, VP of products at Mist, remarked on the significance of the company’s Asset Visibility Service as follows:

Mist is the first vendor to offer an open, scalable wireless networking platform that brings connectivity, indoor location services, asset tracking and Internet of Things (IoT) together in a seamless and cost-effective manner. The Mist platform leverages machine learning and modern cloud technologies to simplify wireless operations and deliver amazing new location based services.

Here, Matta elaborates on the innovation of an open “wireless networking platform” that stands at the intersection of internet of things, asset tracking, machine learning and cloud computing. The confluence of asset tracking technology with machine learning and IoT technology means that companies can step beyond merely tracking device location data and transition to the development of actionable business intelligence to inform strategic and operational decision making. For example, airline customers tracking the global trajectory of luggage can use Mist’s Asset Visibility Service to iteratively optimize the identification and retrieval of lost luggage. The launch of the platform signals the entry of an important player in the indoor location and asset tracking space whose technology taps into the scalability of the Mist Intelligent Wireless Cloud in collaboration with cutting edge analytics and business intelligence. Mist’s Asset Visibility Service is generally available through select, strategic partners that include Bluevision, Cetani, Kontak.io and AiRISTA.