How to install Imunify360 on Plesk – Outsourced Support | Web Hosting Support


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How to install Imunify360 on Plesk – Outsourced Support | Web Hosting Support

Imunify360 is a comprehensive, multilayered web server security platform. Antivirus, Firewall, WAF, PHP Security Layer, Patch Management, and Domain Reputation all have a simple user interface and sophisticated automation capabilities. It also offers Stand-alone installation.

You can follow this step-by-step process to install the Imunify360 on Plesk.

Steps to set up Imunify360 on Plesk

  1. Log on to the server as the root user or sudo via SSH.
  2. Now run the following command to install Imunify360.
wget -O
  1. To add the license key, run the following command. Replace it with an actual trial or purchase key for the LICENSE_KEY in the command.
bash --key LICENSE_KEY

         Note: You can also Install Imunify360 using Plesk extensions –

  1. It is necessary to enable 3-rd Party Integration when using CSF. This can be done by Imunify360 -> Settings -> General.
  2. Imunify360 also supports KernelCare integration. Kernelcare is completely free to download and install. You can access it by Imunify360 -> Settings> KernelCare. When Kernelcare is installed, make sure it works. Go to Imunify360 -> Kernelcare.
  3. To Configure Imunify360, go to Imunify360 -> Settings> KernelCare.

WAF Settings

Apply CMS-specific WAF Rules = Enabled
Minimized ModSec Ruleset = Disabled
WordPress Account Compromise Prevention = Enabled

 DoS Protection

CSF maintains this feature and is disabled when CSF is enabled.

Incidents logging

Log level = 4
Keep incidents for the last days = 100
Keep maximum incidents count = 100000
Auto-refresh time for Incidents page = 10
Send additional data = deselected


Enable WebShield = Enabled
Detect IPs behind CDN = Enabled
Anti-bot protection = Enabled
Google reCAPTCHA service  = Disabled


Active response = Enabled


PAM brute-force attack protection = Enabled

Contact details

Enter your email address to receive security alerts about your server.

  1. To configure Imunify360 Malware, go to Imunify360 -> Settings -> Malware.

Resource Consumption: Maintain the default low value to prevent the server from causing excessive load during scans.


Automatically scan all modified files = Enabled
Optimize real-time scan = Enabled
Automatically scan any file uploaded using web = Enabled
Automatically scan any file uploaded using FTP = Enabled
Automatically send suspicious and malicious files for analysis = Enabled
Try to restore from backup first = Disabled 
Use backups not older than (days)  = 90
Default action on detect = Cleanup
Enable RapidScan = Enabled
Binary (ELF) malware detection = Enabled
Malware Database Scanner = Enabled

Background Scanning

Run scanning = Weekly
Run on = Sunday
Run at = 5:00AM


Trim file instead of remove = Enabled
Keep original files for =  14 days

Proactive Defense

Enable blamer = Enabled
PHP Immunity = Enabled
  1. To disable rules, go to Imunify360 -> Settings -> Disabled Rules.
  2. Now to enable Proactive Defense and Malware Cleanup, go to Imunify360 -> Settings -> Features Management. This option will secure the websites and also allow to clean up if infected.
  3. In this, no notification is delivered by default. Go to Imunify360 -> Settings -> Notifications and set the notifications to your needs.

Hope these steps helped you to install and configure Imunify360 on your Plesk server. If you face any challenges during the process, please contact us. Our team is here to provide you with support and assistance.

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